
Clwb Rygbi Rhuthun | 1st Team 18 - 29 Llandudno RFC | 1st Team
Dyfan Huw Humphreys
Conversion 1
Penalty 2
Joshua Wilson
Try 1
Daniel O''sullivan
1 Try
Lewis Jones
1 Try
Ryan James Pike
1 Conversion
4 Penalty
Lee Davies
1 Try

Match Report
29 September 2018 / Team News

Rhuthun 18 Llandudno 29


Llandudno showed much more urgency than the Blues in the first half of this WRU Plate 1st Round match at Cae Ddol and were 24-6 up by halftime.  First points went to Tudno’s Ryan Pike with a penalty goal after 5 minutes play. Ruthin equalised from the boot of full back Dyfan Humphreys after a further 5 minutes but within a few minutes Tudno were back in the lead after Lewis Jones avoided a tackle and went over the whitewash in the corner.  Tudno were moving the ball around effectively and Ruthin were conceding penalties in defence which Pike was kicking for goal.  He kicked a further  3 penalty goals before the break with Humphreys getting one back and with the home side looking rather ragged converted a try by Bob Davies just on half time.  Within minutes of the restart Tudno’s Dan Sully grabbed another try and at 29-6 up with virtually a whole half to go it looked as though a big score might be on the cards.  However something clicked with Ruthin and they started playing with more urgency and aggression than they had in the whole match.  Humphreys calm and accurate kicking was putting players in good positions in Llandudno’s half and after some good play replacement Jack Wilson went over for a try which Humphreys converted.  The last 20 minutes saw repeated Ruthin forays in the visitors’ half which Tudno defended well until wing Josh Wilson sped over the line for the Blues 2nd try.  That was the final score and the game finished with Llandudno winning 29-18.


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