
Clwb Rygbi Rhuthun | 1st Team 8 - 26 Pwllheli RFC | 1st Team
Nathan Huw Jones
Penalty 1
Arwyn Davies
Try 1
Ioan Jones
1 Try
Osian Jones
1 Try
3 Conversion
Ianto Sion Pari
1 Try
Robin Jones
1 Try

Match Report
21 January 2018 / Team News

Rhuthun 8 Pwllheli 26

After a morning of rain and sleet this game was played on a very soggy pitch but provided good entertainment for the crowd.  Pwllheli showed their intentions in the first few minutes when after  some pressure in Ruthin’s half the ball was kicked across field and caught by Osian Parry Jones who nipped over for a try which he converted.  Ruthin responded and challenged the Pwllheli line for about 10 minutes but were kept out by the visitors’ competent defence.  Play returned to the Blues half and Pwllheli got their second try when the ball was kicked forward through Ruthin’s defence and Robin Hughes Jones scored with Parry Jones converting.  Again the Blues responded and were awarded a penalty which fly half Nathan Jones kicked over.  Ruthin had to defend well against Pwll’s response but cleared their lines and after putting the visitors’ defence to the test again were awarded a penalty and the pack drove over from the resultant lineout with 2nd row Arwyn Davies getting the try.  The whistle blew for half time with Pwllheli leading 14-8.  The Blues started the 2nd half as they finished the first but again the visitors’ defence held and play returned to Ruthin’s half.  After defending well for about 10 minutes but with Pwll getting ever closer to Ruthin’s line Caron Jones popped the ball over the line from a yard out and Parry Jones converted.  With 20 minutes to go Pwllheli were after their try bonus but with Ruthin defending doggedly had to wait to the 78th minute for Ianto Parry to score in the corner.  The try was not converted and after a few minutes more play full time was up with Pwllheli winning 26-8.


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