
Llandudno RFC | 1st Team 30 - 10 Clwb Rygbi Rhuthun | 1st Team
Byron Davies
Try 1
Rhys Henderson
Try 1
Arthur Lennon
Try 1
Conversion 3
Penalty 3

Match Report
09 January 2020 / Team News

Llandudno 1sts 30 Rhuthun 1sts 10

In front of a good crowd Llandudno and Rhuthun served up an exciting Ryland Conwy Land Rover North Wales Cup match at the seaside on Wednesday.  The visitors started with some urgency and within 10 minutes were 10 nil up with a penalty goal by full back Dyfan Humphreys and try by scrum half Cai Edwards, converted by Humphreys.  Tudno responded almost immediately and after the ball was fed wide to the wing Rhys Henderson went over for a try converted by Arthur Lennon.  The home side were looking dangerous in the attack and although Rhuthun were containing them with good defence they were unable to capitalise on any breaks into Tudno’ half and eventually Arthur Lennon kicked a penalty goal to even up the scores at 10-10.  Almost immediately after the restart Lennon jigged his way past Rhuthun’s defence for a try which he converted.  The last 10 minutes of the first half saw an immense effort by the Blues to get across Llandudno’s try line but despite repeatedly hurling themselves at the whitewash the home side’s impressive defence held and the first half finished with the score 17-10 to Tudno.    Tudno started the second half strongly and within 5 minutes Byron Davies was over the Rhuthun line with a try converted by Lennon. The rain started and the game turned into rather a scrappy affair with Rhuthun defending for much of it.  The visitors prevented any more tries but conceded another penalty goal kicked by Lennon.  5 minutes from the end of the game the Blues launched their best attack since the first half but were still unable to get over the whitewash and into injury time Lennon got the final score with a penalty goal.  Winning 30-10 Llandudno are through into the next round of the Cup.


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