
Pwllheli RFC | 1st Team 24 - 20 Clwb Rygbi Rhuthun | 1st Team
Geraint Parry
Try 1
Huw Owen Williams
Try 1
Osian Jones
Conversion 3
Penalty 1
Deio Llwyd Brunelli
Try 1

Match Report
06 October 2019 / Team News

Pwllheli 24 Rhuthun 20

Rhuthun and Pwllheli battled out a hard fought match in wet conditions on Saturday with both sides in contention for a win right to the final whistle.  The game was played at a fast moving pace from the start with both sides keen to get points on the board.  Pwllheli were first after 10 minutes when Osian Parry Jones slotted over a penalty goal only to be followed 4 minutes later with centre Nathan Jones doing the same for Rhuthun.  The Blues were probing in Pwllheli’s 22 and after a lineout on the half way line fullback Iestyn Davies broke through into the home sides 22 and offloaded to wing Gwion Richards to go over the whitewash with Nathan converting,  Within 5 minutes the score was even again as Pwllheli’s centre Deio Brunelli got their first try and Osian converted.  Much of the last 15 minutes of the first half were spent with the home side defending against Rhuthun’s attack but the score remained at 10-10 at half time.  Straight after the break 2nd row Geraint Parry ran through a number of Rhuthun tackles to score with Osian converting.  Once more the Blues tried to even up the score and on 50 minutes No 8 Sion Donnelly did just that with Nathan converting and the game was back to all square at 17-17.  Almost straight away the home side went back on the attack and Pwllheli 2nd row Huw Williams placed the ball over the Blues line and with Osian converting the home side were ahead again.  In the last 20 minutes play became even more frantic as both sides tried to get a clear advantage.  With 3 minutes of normal play to go the visitors reduced the deficit to 4 points with a penalty goal from Nathan.  But despite Pwllheli going down to 14 men with a red card and play going well into injury time the home sides defence held against a spirited Rhuthun attack and the whistle blew with Pwllheli winning 24-20.


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